Friday, November 28, 2014

1 Year Blog Anniversary + Whimsical Wrist Warmers GIVEAWAY!

Today is Seeking Jesus' 1 year anniversary! 

Scroll down for the giveaway information
Time to get the embarrassing baby pictures!

It's completely staggering to think that I've been blogging for a year! I remember creating this blog with a contrasting mixture of excitement and nervousness way back when I was staying in the heart of Florida. This little fella sure has grown a lot since November 2013 (erm... okay, maybe not in members, but y'all know what I mean), and I'm happy to say that I have grown significantly since then as well!

And in all honesty, my blog has taught me one main lesson: to relax.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

You Are Loved! - Dealing With Sadness & Loneliness

It's true, you are marvellously and incredibly loved! Not only by the people around you, but by the Maker of infinity above all! God loves us in such a way that words could never describe, and we can only begin to fathom how grand and eternal His love is towards us!

Yet amidst all this loveliness, perhaps today you feel under weather. You are melancholic, distressed, or even lonely, as if nobody is there to listen to your pain. You can't quite put your finger on it, but you are most definitely not "okay". Circumstances change, friends walk away, or you even turn your back on this whole Christian thing for a while. Because you tried to talk to Jesus, He just wouldn't listen. You asked for a miracle, but you got misery. What did you do wrong? Did He simply get fed up with you and replaced you with better, holier people? One thing's for sure, you're absolutely confused and angry.